Logo Projet HC2

Équipe concernée : Acoustique des salles

Financement : Commission européenne, Programme Coordinating Communities, Plans and Actions in FET Proactive Initiatives

Période de réalisation : octobre 2010 – septembre 2013

Partenaires extérieurs : Starlab (coordinateur), Catholic University of Milan, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz.

          Les recherches sur la confluence entre l’homme et l’ordinateur sont faites dans le cadre de programmes ambitieux étudiant comment la relation symbiotique émergente entre les humains et les outils informatiques permet des formes radicalement nouvelles de perception, d’interaction et de compréhension. C’est un champ de recherche hautement multidisciplinaire, couvrant des disciplines aussi diverses que les sciences cognitives, l’informatique fondamentale et l’électronique. Le projet HC2 a une activité de coordination promouvant la construction d’une identité et proposant la définition de recherches futures et de programmes éducatifs. HC2 va atteindre ses objectifs en construisant un point d’information central et en utilisant unethodologie de travail basée sur la participation active de la communauté et la création d’évènements (2 écoles d’été, plusieurs workshops).

          Human computer confluence (HCC) is an ambitious research program studying how the emerging symbiotic relation between humans and computing devices can enable radically new forms of sensing, perception, interaction, and understanding. HCC is set to produce profound technological and social impact. It is also a deeply interdisciplinary field, spanning a wide range of areas: from the cognitive sciences to computer science, human-computer interaction and artificial intelligence; from traditional sensor and systems engineering to the development of novel means to interact with any type of information and the exploration of new synthetic senses. The horizontal character of HCC makes it a fascinating and fertile interdisciplinary field, but it can also compromise its growth, with researchers scattered across disciplines and groups worldwide. A coordination activity promoting discipline connect, identity building and integration while defining future research, education and policy directions is needed at the regional, national, European and international level. The goals of this three-year long initiative are:

  • to stimulate, structure and support the research community, promoting identity building
  • to consolidate research agendas with special attention to the interdisciplinary aspects of HCC
  • enhance the Public Understanding of HCC and foster the early contact of researchers with high-tech SMEs and other industry players
  • establish guidelines for the definition of new educational curricula to prepare the next generation of HCC researchers.

          HC2 will achieve its objectives by creating a participative central information point for all stakeholders and by using a working methodology based on active community participation and events (2 summer schools, several road-mapping and socioeconomic impact workshops).